Investigating psychometric properties of Selfobject Needs Inventory in Turkish society
Journal Title: Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2
Selfobject Needs Inventory (SONI) is a scale developed to measure the orientation of an adult toward selfobject needs. The aim of this study was to investigate psychometric properties of SONI in Turkish society. The research was carried out on two samples. Principal Component Analysis and reliability analysis were performed on 391 subjects (305 women and 86 men) with the average age of participants as 38.9 years (SD = 6.32). Criterion- related validity indicators were investigated on 104 subjects (76 women and 28 men) with the average age of participants as 29.91 years (SD = 10.65). Principal Component Analysis results revealed 3-factor structure and factors were named as “approach orientation toward mirroring, idealization/twinship”, “avoidance orientation from idealization/twinship” and “avoidance orientation from mirroring”. Cronbach’s alphas for the factors were found as .84, .79, and .65, respectively; and item-total correlation coefficients ranged between .25 and .60. The relationships between SONI subscales, subscales of Scale of Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships (SDIR) and subscales of Basic Personality Traits Inventory (BPTI) were used for concurrent validity.
Authors and Affiliations
Sema Yurduşen, Faruk Gençöz
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