Investigating the Reasons of Occupational Stress by Demographic Factors on Female Accounting Professionals: The Case of Kayseri Province
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 83
It is known that accounting professionals experience stress throughout their career, which has a significant impact on accountants’ productivity and quality of life. Especially, in Turkey, occupational stress factors have an important role in the low level of participation of women in business life. The aim of this study is to reveal the main causes of professional stress that affect female accounting professionals. Also, it was studied whether the level of influence of occupational stress differs according to the demographic variables. Therefore a 2-part questionnaire was applied to female accounting professionals working in Kayseri Province and then factor analysis was applied to datas which were collected from participants. By this way 9 factors were determined. After that analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the factors and it was observed that the level of influence of the female accounting professionals from working time among working condition factors, communication with the stakeholders among professional experience factors, and perceptual factors according to age and education level differed significantly.
Authors and Affiliations
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