Investigation effects of rangeland exclosure on some soil properties in Artemisia sieberi, Stipa hohenacheriana and Salsola rigida habitats (case study: Roodshoor, Saveh, Iran)
Journal Title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 1
The overgrazing and excessive utilization of rangelands has caused vegetation and soil degradation in many rangelands. The various methods are applicable for rangelands restoration. Among these methods, rangeland exclosure is an effective, easy and low-cost method. In this research the effects of 20 years of rangeland exclosure were studied on some soil properties of Roodshoor region, Saveh, Iran. Sampling in each area was conducted using a systematic randomized method. Two 100-m long transects were randomly located in within exclosure and outside the enclosure. Soil sampling was conducted in first, middle and end of each transect. In both grazing exclusion and control sites two, soil samples were taken from depths of 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm. The samples were passed through a two millimeter sieve before analyzing for organic matter, nitrogen (N) content using Kjeldal, the amount of available phosphorus (P) by P-Olsen, potassium (K), EC and pH, and soil texture (sand, clay and silt percent), using the hydrometer method. Lime amount was estimated using calcimetry. For comparison of the soil properties in the grazing exclosure treatment and control was used from Duncan’s test with SPSSver.17 software. In general, the results of research were showed significant positive effects on soil properties after 20 years of grazing exclusion in Roodshoor rangelands. N%, P%, K%, O.M% and Ec (ds/m) in grazed exclusion sites at every three habitats Artemisia sieberi, Salsola rigida and Stipa hohenacheriana have increased compared with the grazed area. Soil pH in grazed exclosure sites was decreased. Moreover, grazed exclosure had little effect on soil lime and texture.
Authors and Affiliations
Maryam Saffariha, Hossein Azarnivand, Ali Tavili, Hadi Mohammadzadeh Khani
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