Investigation of the influence of magnesium ions on the morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland of adult rats
Journal Title: Ендокринологія - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 3
Purpose — to investigate the effect of magnesium chloride on the morphometric parameters of the thyroid gland functional state of the adult rats. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 24 male Wistar rats at the age of 15 months. Experimental rats orally received magnesium chloride daily at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. Duration of experiment was 21 days. From thyroid tissue preparations were made according to standard histological methods. Gland morphometry was performed on digital images using a computer program ≪Image J≫. Results. The data indicate that the 21 daily administration of magnesium chloride adult rats increases the area and height of the follicular epithelium, increased follicular-colloidal index, number thyrocytes in the follicle, resorption vacuoles in the colloid, increase the number interfollicular islets, decrease the relative area of connective tissue in the gland. Conclusions. The influence of magnesium chloride (at a dose of 50 mg/kg) increases the signs of the thyroid gland synthetic activity. This may be of practical interest in the use of magnesium-containing compounds in persons with thyroid dysfunction.
Authors and Affiliations
R. V. Yanko
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