The aim of the study was to answer the question
about the effectiveness of academic libraries’
Internet usage to meet the needs of the users.
Based on previous research we established
what the main functions fulfilled by...
This paper traces the story of Aladdin as a transmedial phenomenon in late nineteenth‑century culture. It starts off from an unidentified French series of scenes that were screened in the Netherlands in 1898, before outl...
Gdzie i jak długo „żyje” blogowy post? Blogi w kulturze remiksu
Bruce Lee na miarę naszych możliwości. Wschodnie sztuki walki w kulturze PRL‑u. Rekonesans
Krótki przyczynek do an-archeologii audio-wizaualności. Polska II połowa XIX wieku
Cyfrowa przestrzeń jako narzędzie organizacji, udostępniania i promocji oferty bibliotek akademickich
The aim of the study was to answer the question about the effectiveness of academic libraries’ Internet usage to meet the needs of the users. Based on previous research we established what the main functions fulfilled by...
The new within the old, the old within the new: transmediality and the introduction of the kinematograph in the case of Aladinou la lampemerveilleuse (1898)
This paper traces the story of Aladdin as a transmedial phenomenon in late nineteenth‑century culture. It starts off from an unidentified French series of scenes that were screened in the Netherlands in 1898, before outl...