Islamophobic Publications in the Context of Mass Communication Law

Journal Title: Medya ve Din Araştırmaları Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2


Freedom of communication and freedom of expression are covered by basic human rights. However, the use of these rights requires legal limits. These legal boundaries determine the law of mass communication. Media as the manifestation of mass communication is often the most important instrument that political powers use to impose their world views and to convince people of the correctness of their activities. Media is also extremely effective in the formation of islamophobia in western society. Especially after the September 11 attacks, increasingly Islamophobic publications should be considered in the context of mass communication law. In fact, false and deliberate news about Muslims through mass media has a manipulative function in western societies. In this article, after the mass communication law and Islamophobic publications are considered separately, an international evaluation of Islamophobic publications in the context of mass communication law has been made. National legislation was excluded from the study. The legal position of these publications has been put forward by an analytical method considering only the international agreements.

Authors and Affiliations

Yasin Yılmaz


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How To Cite

Yasin Yılmaz (2018). Islamophobic Publications in the Context of Mass Communication Law. Medya ve Din Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 287-297.