Isolation and Characterization by Infrared Spectroscopy of Extracted Dye from the Petals of Magnolia champaka
Journal Title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 3
An increased interest for natural pigments started several years ago on the consumers is just beginning to be felt. This paper concerns with the development of process for the isolation of natural dye extracted from the flowers of Magnolia Champaka which is available almost everywhere in India. In India traditionally some plants were used for dyeing the fabrics. According to the dye yield and fastness properties the plant was chosen for fabric dyeing. So for the current need we have chosen the flowers of Magnolia Champaka to obtain the dye. To get this dye we have carried out different extraction methods Viz Aqueous extraction, Acid extraction, alkaline extraction, Solvent extraction, Soxhlet Method and obtained dye were characterized and confirmed the functional group of Luteolin and Tannin by Infrared Spectroscopy. The chemicals used to produce dyes today are often highly toxic and carcinogenic. Thus use of natural dyes has increased several folds in the past few years. The study concerns with the extraction of natural dye from flowers of Magnolia Champaka. Indian women ornament their hair with these flowers, devotees offer flowers to God and Goddesses. Afterwards these flowers are thrown but same can be used for dye extraction.
Authors and Affiliations
Nikhila Rane, Kavita Patil
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