Isolation and Purification of Microbial Glucan sucrase from Decayed Tooth extracts

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 3


The present objective of the research work is isolation of glucan sucrase from the decayed tooth extracts by carrying out inoculation of dental samples into Todd-Hewitt broth and centrifugation .The culture supernatant is subjected to protein fractionation and supernatant collected is purified for the enzyme by anion exchange chromatography and gel permeation. The solution from the above purification procedures are finally subjected to electrophoresis using SDS-PAGE. Molecular weight bands are compared and the glucan sucrase analysed from purified band.

Authors and Affiliations

Polampalli Phani Deepika ¹,, Dr. D. Sudheer kumar, Prof M. Lakshmi Narasu³, Dr. P. Srinivas4


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  • EP ID EP389794
  • DOI 10.9790/3008-1203068791
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How To Cite

Polampalli Phani Deepika ¹, , Dr. D. Sudheer kumar, Prof M. Lakshmi Narasu³, Dr. P. Srinivas4 (2017). Isolation and Purification of Microbial Glucan sucrase from Decayed Tooth extracts. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 12(3), 87-91.