Использование невербальных средств общения в жанровой дифференциации языкa телевизионных передач : (на материале русского и польского языкoв)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2002, Vol 1, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Issakowa
Marian Zdziechowski jako puszkinolog
Sposoby wzmocnienia aktu mowy dezaprobaty w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim
The present paper is devoted to the phenomenon of disapproval as a speech act in contrastive Polish-Russian-English perspective. Special attention is paid to the utterances in which the speaker strengthens the speech act...
"Слов'янський світ", Київ 1998
Folklor polityczny w czasopismach emigracji ukraińskiej wydawanych w międzywojennej Polsce
The article is devoted to the Ukrainian political folklore which was published in the inter-war press of the Ukrainian emigration. Some emigrant journals were published in Poland. The pages of these publications publishe...
О типологических особенностях текста Евангелия Тип-7 из собрания РГАДА ф. 381, № 7
The article is devoted to the 13th century Gospel Book, which is kept in the Russian State Archive of Old Records and registered under reference F. 381, № 7. The aim of the paper is to define the similarity of the manusc...