Issledovanie effektivnosti solnecnogo otopitel’nogo pribora dla passivnogo otoplenia v regionah s dlitel’noj oblacnoj pogodoj (Research of efficiency solar heating device for passive heating in the regions with prolonged cloudy weather)
Journal Title: Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
Series of numerical experimental research are performed on models of passive solar heater of high thermal resistance, which consists of a transparent wall and the heat and light absorber, the space between wall and absorber is divided by inclined transparent anti-convective barriers. The results showed the influence of the orientation of the heater on its efficiency. The recommendations for an effective orientation of the solar heater and the corresponding efficiency depending on the date and time of day are presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktor Mileikovskyi, Olga Suvaeva
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