Issues of the Professional Development of Investigators of Pre-Trial Investigation Agencies of the National Police of Ukraine

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2019, Vol 72, Issue 1


It has been noted that professional development of investigators of pre-trial investigation agencies of the National Police is a multi-faceted process, which includes both statutory regulated mandatory measures and appropriate professional and psychological support, as well as self-education and self-improvement of specialists. That is why consideration of the problems arising in the process of professional development and self-affirmation of employees of investigative units is a prerequisite for improving the efficiency of their activities. Legislative acts regulating the peculiarities of the professional development of investigators of the National Police of Ukraine have been considered. Among the disadvantages of psychological support for passing consistent professional-genetic steps by investigators within the stage of professional development, the author has studied issues at the stages of professional adaptation (adaptant), mastering professional activity (intern), creative self-expression (master), mentoring (mentor), dismissal and social re-adaptation. The author has analyzed the problems of advanced training of investigative units’ employees and the problems of professional training among the disadvantages of organizational and methodological support for the professional development of investigative units’ employees after the graduation from the professional training. It has been also noted that the heads of structural units do not always let their subordinates to study at the correspondence course in institutions of higher education; investigators have lack of time for self-education, self-improvement and self-training for studies that reduces their motivation to self-improvement.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Miloradova


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  • EP ID EP632102
  • DOI 10.32631/pb.2019.1.14
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How To Cite

N. Miloradova (2019). Issues of the Professional Development of Investigators of Pre-Trial Investigation Agencies of the National Police of Ukraine. Право і безпека, 72(1), 104-110.