Jak to robimy: Specyficzne częstotliwościowo monitorowanie słuchu podczas wszczepiania hybrydowego implantu ślimakowego
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 2
Advances in cochlear implant technology led to the combination of cochlear implan t and hearing aid, and in that way provided a possibility to restore the high-frequency hearing in patients with partial deafness. This combined devi ce calle d hybrid provides electroacoustic hearing. Because the low frequency in partial deafness is preserved or almost preserved, it is crucial to preserve function in the apical part of the cochlea. Residual hearing monitoring, particula rly low frequency specific, during cochlear implantation could be very helpful for the bette r prevent ion of induc ed hearing loss. In this paper, we would like to present the way how we do it in our depar tment on one case example.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Lachowska, Krzysztof Morawski, Kazimierz Niemczyk
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