Јавни регистри – основ е-управе // Public registries– the basis of е-government
Journal Title: Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 1
The basis of the definition of electronic government is the use of information and communication technologies in the acting and communication of public authorities,citizens and companies. The ultimate goal of e-government is the well-being of citizens, i.e. the possibility for citizens to realize their rights in a quick and easy way, through information technology, without collecting the necessary documentation to realize them. The basis for the acting of public authorities in the electronic environment (electronic administrative proceedings, data exchange) is the establishment of public registries in electronic form. The paper will present the establishment and development of public/national registries in the Republic of Serbia.
Authors and Affiliations
Милена Поповић Субић
Prikaz//Review: Historijski pogledi/Historical Views, god/vol. IV, br/no. 6, Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije Tuzla, Tuzla 2021, 425 str
Prikaz//Review: Historijski pogledi/Historical Views, god/vol. IV, br/no. 6, Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije Tuzla, Tuzla 2021, 425 str
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Izvještaj//Conference Report: Izvještaj sa Međunarodne arhivske konferencije “2. Tuzlanski arhivski dani”, Tuzla, 24. i 25. septembar 2021. godine
Zbirka stenografskih bilješki zapisnika sjednica Predstavništva, Senata i Skupštine Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, odnosno Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1919-1939) // SI AS 2058, collection of the minutes from stenographic notes taken at the meetings of the Representative bodies, the Senate and the Assembly of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1919-1939)
Presentation of the printed minutes based on the stenographic notes taken at the meetings and sessions of the Provisional People’s Representative Body of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of SHS), 1919,...
Izvještaj//Conference Report: Izvještaj sa Međunarodne konferencije „TUZLANSKI ARHIVSKI DANI“, Tuzla, 27. i 28. septembar 2019
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