„Jelenia strzałem zwalam z nóg…”. O znaczeniu polowań w Scenach myśliwskich z Dolnej Bawarii Martina Sperra
Journal Title: Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
„Ich schieß den Hirsch im wilden Forst…” On the significance of hunting on Martin Sperr’s Hunting scenes from Bavaria The article is an attempt to read the early play of a German play wright Martin Sperr, from the perspective of hunting theory. In the play Hunting scenes from Bavaria of 1966, Martin Sperr shows the mechanisms of exclusion of a human being from the society. The play is set in a Bavarian village – a community on the threshold of economic, political and cultural changes, transforming from a production society into a consumer society. The economic crisis exaggerates the processes of exclusion, which culminates in the literal hunting for homosexual Abram. The article is an attempt to analyse the hunting artefact as a way to show the individual processes of exclusion from the community.
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Feliszewski
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