Jerusalem syndrome – a case report

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 2


Aim. The aim of the paper was to present the case of a patient who developed acute psychotic symptoms on her visit to Jerusalem. Method. The analysis of the clinical case and medical history. Results. The presented 62-year-old women with a history of previous psychiatric disorder arrived with her husband to Jerusalem as a part of organised touristic group. She developed acute psychotic reaction through some stages characteristic for the third type of Jerusalem syndrome. Symptoms resolved completely soon after returning to Poland and admission to the hospital where an antipsychotic treatment was performed. Conclusions. Despite the rare occurrence of this phenomenon, it is worth noting that we can divide Jerusalem syndrome into three types depending on its clinical course, patient’s history of previous psychiatric disorders and this division has some clinical implications. This syndrome can be also considered in the context of some factors connected with travelling in general which may be responsible for psychiatric disturbances occurring among travelers. The course of psychiatric disturbances in the presented patient resembled the third type of Jerusalem syndrome despite her past psychiatric history and probably travelling caused her decompensations. In clinical practice we have to remember that in case of the patients with a known psychiatric history, clinical evaluation may be useful before travelling. In previously healthy patients developing the third type of the Jerusalem syndrome early intervention and separation from Jerusalem and its holy places and their contact with family are crucial for soon recovery.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Poleszczyk, Łukasz Święcicki


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How To Cite

Anna Poleszczyk, Łukasz Święcicki (2013). Jerusalem syndrome – a case report. Psychiatria Polska, 47(2), 353-360.