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Journal Title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich - Year 2016, Vol 81, Issue 3
Listy do redakcji Zapisek Historycznych.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Oracki
Jezuici prowincji litewskiej wobec epidemii dżumy z lat 1708–1711
The article presents the activity of the Jesuits during the epidemic of plague in the Rzeczpospolita during the Great Northern War. The author concentrates mainly on the Lithuanian province of the Society of Jesus, where...
Skarb monet z Tułodziadu w świetle archiwaliów dawnego Prussia-Museum. Zapomniany świadek batalii grunwaldzkiej?
In the summer of 1930 in the village of Tułodziad (German: Taulensee) some treasure consisting of silver coins was discovered in the peatland. As it seems, this included 145 coins, eighty of which were in su ciently good...
Wyprawa zbrojna Krzysztofa Radziwiłła „Pioruna” w Inflantach zimą 1579 roku
The article presents the Lithuanian expedition carried out in Livonia in the winter of 1579. On the basis of the itinerary [itinerarium] and iconographic and written sources it has been established that three regiments w...
Kilka uwag na temat średniowiecznego Osieka w Gdańsku
What remains of Osiek [Hakelwerk], which in the past was an independent borough of the city of Gdansk, is only the name of the street. Relatively little is known about its history and the territory which it occupied, for...
Andrzej Gąsiorowski, Krzysztof Steyer, Członkowie TOW „Gryf Pomorski” w KL Stutthof. Działalność – aresztowanie – obóz, Muzeum Stutthof w Sztutowie, Sztutowo 2016, ss. 247
Book Review