Język a emancypacja, feminizm, gender
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue
The article investigates the changes in the attitude towards female names of professional titles and jobs since the beginning of 20th century until now, with particular regard to both practice (usus) and metalinguistic reflection. The evaluation and range of use of female names was presented against the altering social and professional situation of women and in relation to the ideologies behind these changes. Such approach enabled the observation of characteristic tendencies: the effect of the emancipation of women was the masculinization of the language referring to females, which became a dominating tendency especially after 1945; feminism (inactive in Poland until 90’s) claimed the opposition to masculine formations of female derivatives, and gender idea of unspecified sex was expressed in the custom of so-called “splitting”.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Woźniak
O partykułach wzmacniających w szesnastowiecznych przekładach Ewangelii na język polski
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