A 66-year-old man from a rural area was admitted for evaluation of fever accompanied by abdominal discomfort, nausea, loss of appetite and weakness. The fever started a month ago and was of low-moderate grade (<40 oC)...
Sports constitute a major part of everyday activities, especially in younger individuals. Since sport injuries account for about 20% of all home and leisure injuries and can lead to substantial morbidity and disability,...
This paper reviews epidemiological and psychopathological data concerning people who have committed child homicide, with a view to identifying the risk factors for child abuse and homicide, such as familial stressful con...
EP ID EP119023
Views 76
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How To Cite
M. MAKRIS, N. MIDDLETON (2011). Job satisfaction in the public general hospitals in Cyprus. Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής, 28(2),
234-244. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-119023
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Os calcaneus secundarius (accessory ossicle located anterior to the calcaneus and posterolateral to the navicular).
No abstract available
Visceral leishmaniasis in a patient with long-lasting corticosteroid treatment
A 66-year-old man from a rural area was admitted for evaluation of fever accompanied by abdominal discomfort, nausea, loss of appetite and weakness. The fever started a month ago and was of low-moderate grade (<40 oC)...
Message 7: “Play sports safely” <br /> <br />
Sports constitute a major part of everyday activities, especially in younger individuals. Since sport injuries account for about 20% of all home and leisure injuries and can lead to substantial morbidity and disability,...
A 75-year-old man with diffuse lung infiltrates and post-operative acute respiratory failure
No abstract available
Child homicide: Contemporary data
This paper reviews epidemiological and psychopathological data concerning people who have committed child homicide, with a view to identifying the risk factors for child abuse and homicide, such as familial stressful con...