The evolution concerning what Słowacki thought about Towiański and Towianism ranged from a sincere affirmation, and even a deep identification with master’s point of view, to strong criticism and withdrawal from Koło Spr...
The text is a result of adjusting to elementary standards of a scientific discourse of the author’s speech during the 7th National Memetic Scientific Workshop, which took place in Szczyrk on March 8th – 10th, 2012, with...
The text discusses the most important theses of Aleksander Wójtowicz’s study devoted to the circles of New Art and it subjects them to critical reading. The author focuses primarily on confrontation of various narrative...
Cwaniary wszystkich opowieści, łączcie się z sobą! Z Sylwią Chutnik rozmawia Anna Kałuża
Towiański i towianizm w pismach Słowackiego Apoteoza – rozczarowanie – krytyka
The evolution concerning what Słowacki thought about Towiański and Towianism ranged from a sincere affirmation, and even a deep identification with master’s point of view, to strong criticism and withdrawal from Koło Spr...
„Wspólne kopanie”. Z Krzysztofem Siwczykiem rozmawiają Anna Kałuża i Grzegorz Jankowicz
Ja i wynalazek Aleksandra Bella. O tym, co się powtarza, a co się zmieniło
The text is a result of adjusting to elementary standards of a scientific discourse of the author’s speech during the 7th National Memetic Scientific Workshop, which took place in Szczyrk on March 8th – 10th, 2012, with...
Zdobyć awangardę
The text discusses the most important theses of Aleksander Wójtowicz’s study devoted to the circles of New Art and it subjects them to critical reading. The author focuses primarily on confrontation of various narrative...