Julian Kosiński (1833–1914) – especially meritous surgeon for the development of otorynolaryngology. His achievements in therapy of diseases of larynx
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 2
The achievements in surgical treatment of larynx diseases by Julian Kosiński (1833–1914), an eminent Warsaw surgeon, the head of Surgical Clinic in Main School and Warsaw Imperial University performed according to contemporary world-wide standards are presented in more detail. His successful surgical treatment such diseases as postinfl ammatory adhesions of larynx, diphtheria, syphilis of larynx, polyps of larynx and other are described in some more detail. The laryngectomy by Theodor Billroth in 1873 are described in short. The analysis the fi rst laryngectomy in Polish territories performed by Julian Kosiński (“the tenth world laryngectomist”) in 1877 is performed with full particulars. The surgical diffi culties, the postoperating management are discussed. The reasons of failures of the laryngectomies in XIX century are analysed widely.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Kierzek
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