«Как я носил вас как бы на орлиных крыльях, и принес вас к себе…»: о жанровой природе «Орлиных душ» В.Я. Ярошенко и о влиянии протестантизма на становление образования слепых (статья вторая)


In the article a genre of the V.Y. Eroshenko’s text “Washi-no kokoro” (“Eagle Souls”, 1921) was firstly defined – it’s a retelling of the Baptist sermon. It allowed to make a real comment to his letters from British India, on initial text of the essay “The Blind West and the East” (1927, Braille), that was educed again. It is established and proved that V.Y. Eroshenko might hear namely such a sermon in 1917 in Calcutta – at home or en the church of the blind Baptist pastor, who was the founder of the Calcutta Blind School – reverend Lal Bihari Shah. For the first time ever many of documents of 19 – the early 20 centuries allowed to reveal the role of Protestant pastors and missioners of different denominations in founding of the school for the blind’s chain in Germany, Britain, Russia, Japan and British India, as well as the impact of introduction with different systems of typhlopedagogy and work at the missionary school on establishment of personality and destiny of V.Y. Eroshenko as a visual impairment specialist. In the article the summary of results of the archive-search work executed per 2016–2017 for the first time is given. Proper definition of the genre nature of V.J. Eroshenko`s text “Eagle Souls” (1921) for the first time has allowed to give at the most the full historic-literary and actual comment to a number of texts of the writer.

Authors and Affiliations

Ю. В. Патлань


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  • EP ID EP433766
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-68-106
  • Views 136
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How To Cite

Ю. В. Патлань (2018). «Как я носил вас как бы на орлиных крыльях, и принес вас к себе…»: о жанровой природе «Орлиных душ» В.Я. Ярошенко и о влиянии протестантизма на становление образования слепых (статья вторая). Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 68-106. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433766