Karakter Seksual Remaja Akhir di Yogyakarta
Journal Title: IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
ABSTRAK Sebanyak 63,4 juta jiwa (27,7%) penduduk Indonesia adalah remaja yang terdiri dari laki-laki sebanyak 50,70% jiwa dan perempuan sebanyak 49,30% jiwa . Perkiraan persentase remaja yang meningkat dengan pesat dapat menyebabkan remaja rentan menuai berbagai persoalan. Salah satu persoalan tersebut adalah perilaku seksual bebas di kalangan remaja. Sikap jelas sangat mempengaruhi perilaku. Memegang teguh suatu sikap yang mengarah pada suatu objek memberikan satu alasan untuk berperilaku mengarah pada objek itu dengan suatu cara tertentu. Sesuai dengan penjelasan-penjelasan tersebut, remaja sangat penting untuk menentukan sikap terhadap suatu stimulus khususnya stimulus seksual, sehingga perilaku seksual yang menyimpang dapat dicegah dengan segera serta menghapuskan asumsi bahwa hubungan seks hanya sebatas hal yang bersifat rekreatif saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran sikap seksual remaja. Desain yang digunakan adalah desain deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di SMA “X” Yogyakarta pada bulan Februari 2016. 64 responden (61,5%) dikategorikan rendah pada dimensi permissiveness. 68 responden (65,4%) dikategorikan tinggi pada dimensi birth control. 58 responden (55,8%) dikategorikan tinggi pada dimensi communion. 39 responden (37,5%) dikategorikan rendah pada dimensi instrumentality. ABSTRACT As much as 63.4 million people (27.7%) of Indonesian population is composed of adolescents, boys as many as 50.70% people () and girls as many as 49.30% people. Estimation of the percentage of adolescents are increasing rapidly. It can cause various problems. One of the issue is the sexual behavior among adolescents. The attitude obviously affects behavior. Keep up an attitude that leads to an object gives one reason to the object in a certain way. Appropriate with the explanations, adolescents are very important to determine the attitude to a stimulus, especially a sexual stimulus, so the deviant sexual behavior can be prevented immediately and to eliminate the assumption that sex is limited to things that are recreational only. The objective of this study is to know the representation/illustration of sexual behavior of adolescents. This study was used quantitative descriptive design using cross sectional method. The sampling technique in this study was stratified random sampling. The study was conducted in SMA “X” Yogyakarta in February 2016. As much as 64 respondents (61.5%) was categorized as low on permissiveness dimension . As much as 68 respondents (65.4%) was categorized as high on birth control dimensions. As much as 58 respondents (55.8%) was categorized as high on communion dimensions (the close relationship between two people). As much as 39 respondents (37.5%) was categorized as low on Instrumentality dimensions.
Authors and Affiliations
Alma Ananda Alieva Noor Wahyudina, Rahmah Rahmah
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