İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gökhan Sargın, Aslı Demirbulat
Premarital Genetic Diagnosis Revealed Co-heredity Nature of Beta Globin Gene 25-26 del AA and 3’UTR+101 G-C Variants in Two Beta Thalassemia Heterozygotes
İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gökhan Sargın, Aslı Demirbulat (2013). Karbamazepin ve Hematolojik Maligniteler. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 30(4), 424-426.
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Premarital Genetic Diagnosis Revealed Co-heredity Nature of Beta Globin Gene 25-26 del AA and 3’UTR+101 G-C Variants in Two Beta Thalassemia Heterozygotes
Premarital Genetic Diagnosis Revealed Co-heredity Nature of Beta Globin Gene 25-26 del AA and 3’UTR+101 G-C Variants in Two Beta Thalassemia Heterozygotes
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