
The publication of the monograph of М.Kasyanova, which is devoted to the study of the eastern vector of migration of Ukrainian citizens during the period of its independence, makes a significant contribution to the development of national political science. Its relevance is beyond doubt, considering the importance of migration issues as the element of globalization phenomenon. On the global level, we are talking about its role of theoretical ground for understanding modern globalized world. In the regional context, the monograph touches on an important phenomenon that, in conditions of transformation of the international system, becomes a dangerous threat to the national security of Ukraine. The consequences of loss of demographic and intellectual potential can be characterized as an economic component of the threat. Migration’s place and importance as an element or tool for Russian aggressive regional policy has formed the political aspect of the problem. Describing migration interaction between Ukraine and other Eastern European states before the Ukrainian Crisis, M.Kasyanova seeks to bring a scientific approach to the study of the relationship between the phenomenon of migration and intergovernmental contacts in the region. She focuses on the processes of the formation of national migration policies in the mentioned states; analyzes the causes and implementation of migration movement by Ukrainians; studies the practical aspects of employment and adaptation of Ukrainian citizens abroad. Special attention is paid to the consequences of migratory movements for different participants of this process - direct migrants, donor state and recipient countries. In conclusion M. Kasyanova emphasized the excellence of economic factors over political as causes for Ukrainian migration during researched period. She developed a set of recommendations designed to reorganize the state policy in this area, stressing the need for radical internal reforms designed to improve the socio-economic situation and thus to attract citizens to stay within the borders of their homeland. Summing up the impression of the monograph of М.Kasyanova, we should pay attention to the honest and responsible work which was carried out by the author. The high theoretical level, rich factual and statistical material, slim logical structure of the text defines its status as one of those that make a significant contribution to the treasury of Ukrainian political science

Authors and Affiliations

O. Kalakura


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How To Cite

O. Kalakura (2017). КАСЬЯНОВА М.М. УКРАЇНЦІ В МІГРАЦІЙНИХ ПРОЦЕСАХ СХІДНОЇ ЄВРОПИ В УМОВАХ ПОСТБІПОЛЯРНОЇ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ МІЖНАРОДНОЇ СИСТЕМИ / М.М. КАСЬЯНОВА. – МОНОГРАФІЯ. – ВІННИЦЯ: ЦОП «ДОКУМЕНТ ПРИНТ», 2017. – 520 с. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(18), 418-420. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429482