Kazak Dil Bilimi Öğrencilerinin “-p”, “-ArAk” ve “-A” Zarf-Fiil Eki Üzerinden Türkiye Türkçesine İntibak Süreçleri

Journal Title: Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 47


It has been observed that students of Kazakh Linguistics, to whom I lectured Turkish lessons in L. N. Gumilev University Faculty of Linguistics during twelve days in November and December of 2016, produced structures different from standard Turkish structures in their wording of Turkish sentences which they created by using specified mode/ tense /person formulas during their practices of the lessons. Students took Standard Turkish lessons from the academicians whose native language is Standard Turkish but having previously left Turkey as well as the academicians whose native language is Kazakh Turkish and having returned to Kazakhstan after staying in Turkey for educational purposes for more than ten years. In a study adopting especially the use and semantic features of verbal adverbs, sentences which are formed through the style affirmation function of the verbal adverb suffixes which are, “-p” , “-ArAk” and “-A” in Turkish (meaning “by” / “as” / “because of” in Turkish language) have been exemplified and students whose native language is Kazakh Turkish have been asked to make similar sentences in Standard Turkish. Students exemplified the following sentences based on their previous knowledge of Standard Turkish: Müzikleri çok dinleyip besteci oldum “I became a composer by listening to music much” / Derste uzun dinleyerek az söyledim “I talked less as listening much at the lessons” / Çalışa çalışa arkadaşlarımı da unuttum “I ignored my friends by dint of working” / Ödevlerini bitirip uyumaya gitti-odasına çekildi “He went to bed (let himself into his room) as he finished his homework” / Onun uyua uyua başı(n) ağırdı “He had a headache because of sleeping” / Sular aka aka her yer berbat oldu “Everywhere was spoilt as the water leaked”. It is seen that there is a deviation from the standard structures of Standard Turkish with regard to semantics and structure in these sentences. In this deviation; it has been analyzed whether the questions “Do the uses of verbal adverbs which are different between Kazakh Turkish and Standard Turkish have any impact on this?” or “How do the students use verbal adverb structures in both dialects?” are effective or not; and it has been examined which verbal adverbs are commonly and practically used in both dialects by touching upon this issue from a historical perspective. The study will analyze the reasons of deviation from the standard structure with reference to verbal adverb suffixes used in Kazakh Turkish and their functions; and try to reveal how these standard structures can be used in comparison with the usages in Standard Turkish.

Authors and Affiliations

Ayşe İlker


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  • EP ID EP669809
  • DOI 10.24155/tdk.2019.100
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How To Cite

Ayşe İlker (2019). Kazak Dil Bilimi Öğrencilerinin “-p”, “-ArAk” ve “-A” Zarf-Fiil Eki Üzerinden Türkiye Türkçesine İntibak Süreçleri. Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 1(47), 137-148. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-669809