Kazania ukraińskie w cieniu Reformacji i Renesansu
Journal Title: Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
One of the first edificatory miscellany in Ukrainian lands that survived until now is Uspenski collection compiled on the edge of the XIIth and the XIIIth centuries. Different types of edificatory miscellanies such as Prologues, Emerald book, Minea, Panegyric circulated in Kyivan Metropolitanate during Middle Ages. In the XVth century in the lands of Belarus and Ukraine was compiled so called Minea of 1489 with translated texts into local vernacular. The renovation of traditional edificatory miscellanies continued in the first decades of the XVIth century. The Reformation influenced on the creation of such a new type of miscellanies as Edificatory Gospel under the influences of Postylla by Mikołaj Rey.
Authors and Affiliations
Валерій Зема
Трансформація середньовічного топосу дороги у паломницькій прозі доби бароко
Analyzing the texts of Ukrainian pilgrim works, the author of this article studies the special features of transforming the medieval image of the road into the baroque types of visiting the sacred places, which signifies...
Скарбниця ідей та думок: сучасна версія Євангелія учительного Кирила Транквіліона Ставровецького (Кирило Транквіліон Ставровецький, Учительне Євангеліє, переклад з ц.-сл. Б. Криса, Д. Сироїд, Т. Трофименко, Свічадо, Львів 2014, сс. 680)
Валерій Шевчук – митець слова і вчений (до 75-ліття від дня народження)
The article is devoted to the anniversary of one of the most prominent prose writers of the 20th century, Valery Shevchuk. The article provides a comprehensive review of the writer’s prose set within the general framewor...
Ґендерне прочитання романтичного Шевченка
The article analyses the relationship between Shevchenko’s creation with socio-cultural factors and socio-political trends of the era of the Romantic national revival. It describes the feminine and masculine tendencies o...
Витоки дискурсу поляків про Шевченка
The article by Stefan Kozak entitled The Origins of Polish Discourse on Shevchenko deals with the problem of the struggle for Taras Shevchenko’s legacy in the Polish literary criticism of the first half of the 1860s. L....