To the Editor,
I read the letter related to autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome in a 7-year-old boy published in the Turkish Journal of Hematology [1]. I would like to remark on a few points that were not mentioned i...
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the laboratory diagnosis and genetic origins of the hemoglobin (Hb) variants, Hb D-Los Angeles and Hb Beograd observed frequently in our region.
Material and Methods: Hb...
EP ID EP95293
DOI 10.4274/tjh.2014.0361
Views 99
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How To Cite
Şinasi Özsoylu (2015). Kazanılmış Trombotik Trombositopenik Purpura Olgusu: 25 Yıllık Takipte Üç Rekürens. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 32(3),
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Autoerythrocyte Sensitization Syndrome Treated with Kallikrein Inhibitor
To the Editor, I read the letter related to autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome in a 7-year-old boy published in the Turkish Journal of Hematology [1]. I would like to remark on a few points that were not mentioned i...
Bileşik Heterozigot SEC23B Gen Mutasyonu Olan Konjenital Diseritropetik Anemi Tip 2 Olgusu
Screening of Intron 1 Inversion of the Factor VIII Gene in 130 Patients with Severe Hemophilia A from a Pakistani Cohort
To the Editor,
Hiperkalsemi Saptanan Hemodiyaliz Hastasında Nonsekretuar Multipl Miyelom Tanısı
Hb D-Los Angeles [beta121(GH4)Glu>Gln] and Hb Beograd [beta121(GH4)Glu>Val]: Implications for their laboratory diagnosis and genetic origins
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the laboratory diagnosis and genetic origins of the hemoglobin (Hb) variants, Hb D-Los Angeles and Hb Beograd observed frequently in our region. Material and Methods: Hb...