Key aspects of the modern paradigm of operational management
Journal Title: Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to present a modern paradigm of operational management by refining its characteristic moments in view of the genesis of management science and the development of modern technologies and business tools. The author refers the definition of the term «operational management», the purpose and the task, the object and subject, the foundation and direction of operational management to the characteristic moments. Methodology / approach. The article is devoted to the general description of the modern paradigm of operational management as a separate type in the system of general management of the organization. The main methods of research used in the article are historical, abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis. Results. The article substantiates the significance of the implementation of operational management for Ukrainian production enterprises. The historical development of operational management is explored. The role and place of operational management in the general management system of organizations is established. The views of scholars on the interpretation of the term «operational management» are considered, and the author's definition of this term is proposed. The purpose of operational management is formulated, its main task is defined. The object and subject of operational management are specified. It is established that operational management is aimed at efficiency, rationality and effectiveness in the management of any operations and processes within the operating system of the agricultural enterprise. Originality / scientific novelty. The theoretical foundations of operational management and scientific representations about its essence, meaning, object, subject and significance for effective agrarian business are further developed, the advanced definition of the term «operational management» is offered. Practical value / implications. The relevance of the material presented is providing the systematized information to the specialists about the business card of operational management and a thorough explanation of the importance of using the operational management tools in the overall management of agricultural enterprises.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexander Sumets
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