Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 8, Issue 3
[b]Background.[/b] A large number of scoliosis classification systems are in use. The most popular and widely used classification, proposed by H. King and J. Moe in 1893, distinguishes 5 types of idiopathic scoliosis. Application of the classification facilitates assessment of the condition performed by multiple examiners and provides for homogeneity and comparability of the results.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The investigation was conducted in the Child and Adult Rehabilitation Centre of the Independent Public Health Care Facility in Zgorzelec. The study involved 48 children: 37 girls aged 7-18 (mean age 12.3) and 11 boys aged 10-17 (mean age 12.7) with a mean age of the entire group of 12.4. The distribution of particular scoliosis types according to the King-Moe classification was assessed, and the results were compared with King's and Sastre's findings.[b]Results.[/b] The most common was type I scoliosis – 41% (Sastre – 28%, King – 12.9 %), followed by type II -13% (Sastre -25%, King – 32.6 %). Less common are: type III – 21% (Sastre -16%, King – 32.8 %), type IV – 17% (Sastre – 29%, King – 9.2 %), type V- 8% (Sastre -2%, King – 11.6 %).[b]Conclusions.[/b] The distribution of particular scoliosis types presented in the papers under comparison differs significantly. Classification facilitates the analysis and comparison of data presented by different centres. The use of the King-Moe system and x-ray image analysis allows a precise and standardised diagnosis of scoliosis.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Kufel, Bartłomiej Halat, Beata Michalak, Zbigniew Śliwiński
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