Kırım-Kongo Kanamalı Ateşinde Lökosit İçinde İnklüzyon Cismi
Journal Title: Turkish Journal of Hematology - Year 2015, Vol 32, Issue 3
Authors and Affiliations
Zahit Bolaman, İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gürhan Kadıköylü
Zahit Bolaman, İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gürhan Kadıköylü
A Child with Psoriasis, Hypogammaglobulinemia, and Monosomy 7-Positive Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Homozigot EPCR 23-baz çifti Insersiyona Sahip Kadın Bireyde Endotelyal Protein C Reseptörü Gen Ekspresyon Seviyesi
Kutanöz Diffüz Büyük B-Hücreli Lenfoma Olgusu
A Case of Para-Bombay Phenotype Caused by Homozygous Mutation of the FUT1 Gene
Use of a High-Purity Factor X Concentrate in Turkish Subjects with Hereditary Factor X Deficiency: Post Hoc Cohort Subanalysis of a Phase 3 Study
Hereditary factor X (FX) deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder more prevalent in countries with high rates of consanguineous marriage. In a prospective, open-label, multicenter phase 3 study, 25 IU/kg plasmaderived fact...