Класифікація принципів міжнародного митного права
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 81, Issue 1
У статті з’ясовано наявні в сучасній міжнародно-правовій доктрині підходи до розуміння системи принципів міжнародного митного права та їх класифікації, а також обґрунтовано авторський підхід до видової диференціації принципів міжнародного митного права. The article is devoted to the clarification of the approaches in the modern international legal doctrine to the understanding of the system of international customs law principles and their classification, as well as the substantiation of the author's approach to the specific differentiation of the international customs law principles. It is noted that the use of any of this approaches does not allow to form a holistic view of the various differentiates of the existing international customs law principles. One of the reasons for this can be found in the doctrine of international customs law - it is the point that the differentiation of its principles is not based on scientifically substantiated criteria, but is proposed for discussion in the form of a certain list, which, moreover, is considered as a system without proper justification. It is noted that the classification of the principles of international customs law can be approached in a narrow and a broader sense. In the narrow sense - only sectoral (inter-sectoral) principles of international customs law shall be subject to the differentiation . In the broader sense - types of principles of international customs law are determined taking into account both sectoral (inter-sectoral) and other principles of international law, the effect of which extends to the legal regulation of international customs relations. In order to initiate a discussion on the elaboration of the classification of international customs law principles, we propose to use the following scientifically grounded criteria as the basis for its construction: - depending on the functional purpose: 1) the basic principles of international law; 2) cross-sectoral principles; 3) sectoral (special or specific) principles of international customs law; 4) the principles of the institutes of international customs law; - depending on the circle of subjects of international customs law: 1) general; 2) special; or 1) multilateral; 2) bilateral; - depending on the spatial sphere of action: 1) universal; 2) regional; 3) local; 4) particular; - the form of existence: 1) written; 2) custom; - depending on the source of international customs law: 1) the principles of international treaties; 2) the principles of international customs; 3) the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations; 4) principles of acts of international organizations; - the subordination in the legal regulation: 1) material; 2) procedural.
Authors and Affiliations
Сергій Михайлович Перепьолкін
Особливості здійснення тимчасового доступу до електронних інформаційних систем або їх частин, мобільних терміналів систем зв’язку
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