Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about the Safe Use of Pesticides among Farmers at a Village in MiniaCity, Egypt
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 3
Background: The use of pesticides has increased many folds over the past few decades. About 5.2 billion pounds of pesticides are used worldwide per year, so it is useful to spread the idea of safe use of pesticides, annually between 250,000 to 370,000 human deaths, most of these deaths occurred in developing countries. So this study aims to assess knowledge, attitude and self-reported practice about the safe use of pesticides among farmers at a village in Miniacity. Design: A descriptive research designwas used in this study. A simple random sample of 322 farmer was selected. Data were collected through one tool that includes; 1st . part; questions related to demographic characteristics of the study sample, 2nd. part; knowledge questionnaire related to the using of pesticides in general, and the knowledge regarding the first aid of pesticide poisoning, 3 rd. part; an attitudesquestionnaire regarding the usage of pesticides and the 4th .part; was a self-reported practices use of pesticides among farmers.Results: the mean age of elderly adults who participated in the study sample was47.7± 8.3and 53.4% of farmers were illiterates. The current study showed that total knowledge of farmers about pesticides were 72% have low level of knowledge with a mean ±SD1.35±0.62. In relation to farmers ‘attitudes revealed that 79.8% of farmers have negative attitudes with a mean ±SD 1.13± 0.34. Regarding the self-reported practice; 80% have poor practice. Conclusion: in these study found that the majority of studied farmers have low level of knowledge, negative attitude and poor practices toward safe usage of pesticides. Recommendation: Development and implement training and health education program for Egyptian farmers are essential for safe practices during pesticides' usage also further researches are needed.
Authors and Affiliations
ManarDemein Mohammed, Soheir Ali Bader EL-Din, RefaatRaouf Sadek, AwatefAbdelrazek Mohammed
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