Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Diarrhoea and its Management at Home among Mothers of Under-Five Children Residing within a Subcentre Area in Dibrugarh District, Assam
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 11
Abstract: Diarrhoea is a leading cause of mortality among under-five children in India. Diarrhoea leads to loss of body fluids as well as electrolytes. It is important to restore the losses as it can lead to dreaded consequences due to dehydration. Dehydration can be prevented by replacement of fluid by simply giving oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution or other home available fluids. To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding diarrhoea and its management at home among mothers of under-five children residing within a sub-centre area in Dibrugarh district, Assam. A cross-sectional study was conducted from September to December 2011 among mothers of the under-five children residing within a sub centre area under Lahowal Block PHC of Dibrugarh District, Assam. A total of 190 mothers participated in the study and the relevant information was collected by a house-to-house survey using a pre-designed, pre-tested proforma after taking the informed consent. Out of 190 mothers, 54.7% could define diarrhoea correctly and 75.8% sought medical treatment for diarrhoea. 74.2% mothers used ORS out of which 61.0% knew its correct use while 53.2% knew the correct method of its preparation. Information about ORS was obtained from health personnel by 74.5% mothers. Only 56.3% mothers knew about home available fluids, out of which sugar and salt solution was the choice in majority of cases (42.1%). Only 5.2% of mothers used to increase feeding their children during episodes of diarrhoea. The study reveals that there is a dearth in knowledge, positive attitude and lack of healthy practices regarding the management of diarrhoea at home by mothers of under-five children. Thus there is a need of behaviour change communication activities to increase the awareness level of mothers. Keywords:Diarrhoea, Dehydration, Oral rehydration salt, Home available fluid, Under-five children.
Authors and Affiliations
Rimpi Gogoi, Partha Saikia
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