Knowledge of family medicine trainers concerning HIV/AIDS – pilot study / Wiedza lekarzy o HIV/AIDS zdobywających specjalizację z medycyny rodzinnej – badanie pilotażowe
Journal Title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue 4
AIM: The objective of the study was to assess knowledge of doctors during their residency training in family medicine about HIV infection, routes of transmission and diagnosis of AIDS METHODS: We developed an anonymous questionnaire with questions concerning knowledge about routes of infection, possibility of diagnosis of HIV infection based on presenting symptoms, risk of vertical transmission, risk of acquiring of HIV infection during occupational activities RESULTS: The obtained results revealed insufficient knowledge about routes of transmission as well as about symptoms which should prompt a general practitioner to suspect an HIV infection. Almost 20% of doctors regarded their risk of acquiring the HIV infection during their professional activities as quite high, while 10% of them stated that they would refuse to help an HIV-positive patient or that they did not know what they would do in such a situation. Majority (71.4%) of the respondents claimed that within the last 2 years they had undertaken a training oncerning HIV/AIDS
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Rogowska-Szadkowska, Julia Strumiło, Sławomir Chlabicz
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