Kolej linowa na Kasprowy Wierch jako źródło podziałów i perspektywa przyszłego rozwoju turystyki
Journal Title: Prawne Problemy Górnictwa i Ochrony Środowiska - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2
The increasing interest in the writings of the forgotten Polish emigrant Andrzej Bobkowski (1913—1961) caused that it is worth to present his publication devoted to an extremely fast building of a cable‑car railway from Zakopane—Kuźnice to Kasprowy Wierch. The article entitled “The overhead tunnel and not [fictional] Kellerman tunnel” between Europa and America under Atlantic Ocean was written in 1958 for the emigration Radio “Free Europe” in Munich on the 25th anniversary of the opening of this railway and published in Poland in 1987. The construction of this cable‑car railway (built in 1935—1936) was mentioned several times in the letters of Andrzej Bobkowski to his uncle Alexander Bobkowski (1886—1966), who was the vice‑Minister of Transport. Aleksander Bobkowski had the idea of this cable‑car railway and personally supervised its construction. The construction of this railway was considered “a scandal” and divided the scientists and the public into two opposite camps: one for preserving nature in Tatra Mountains and the other for the construction of the cable‑car railway. The fact of building this railway was usually presented only from the point of view of preservation of nature who criticized the enterprise. Therefore it seems worth to present the arguments from the article of A. Bobkowski from 1958 for construction of the cable‑car railway. Andrzej Bobkowski was able to foresee the future tendency for mass‑tourism and skiing and its value for the development of Zakopane.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Stochlak
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Kolej linowa na Kasprowy Wierch jako źródło podziałów i perspektywa przyszłego rozwoju turystyki
The increasing interest in the writings of the forgotten Polish emigrant Andrzej Bobkowski (1913—1961) caused that it is worth to present his publication devoted to an extremely fast building of a cable‑car railway from...
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