Koncepcja woli a rozumienie wiary. Ujęcie realistyczne, aprioryczne i pozytywistyczne

Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 3


The purpose of the article is to show the relationships between the concept of will and understanding of faith. It is about demonstrating that the adopted concept of the will affects the understanding of faith. Selected concepts of will (realistic, a priori, positivist) were presented in terms of their pursuit of God. When it turns out that God is the object of the will, faith acquires a natural foundation. This means that the will that naturally reaches God comes into a relationship with Him even before faith develops. Consequently, it must be recognized that there is a natural and moral foundation for faith. This kind of foundation exists on the basis of a realistic concept of will. In a priori morality, due to the concept of the will, only moral faith is possible. Positivist philosophy replaces the will with social feelings. That is why faith is understood as trust and is only natural.

Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Sieńkowski


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  • EP ID EP651168
  • DOI 10.32090/SE.210317
  • Views 95
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How To Cite

Marcin Sieńkowski (2019). Koncepcja woli a rozumienie wiary. Ujęcie realistyczne, aprioryczne i pozytywistyczne. Studia Ełckie, 21(3), 363-384. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-651168