Конституція як об'єкт реформування / The Constitution as the Object of Reforming

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 3


The issues of the constitutional modernization were always relevant and became the subject of research of many scientists. But nowadays when in Ukraine the constitutional reform came to a qualitatively new level, these issues become particularly important. The understanding of the constitution has been researched since ancient times. It is found out that the issue of reforming (review) of constitutions emerged simultaneously with the introduction of the first constitutions. The most common approaches in the legal literature concerning the study of the constitution are analyzed: 1) formal-legal (positivistic); 2) natural law approach (contract); 3) sociologic (lassalian); 4) class approach; 5) institutional; 6) social-genetic. It is proved that in the science of constitutional law of Ukraine the most common is the synthesis of the normative and sociological approaches to understanding the constitution and its essence. The term «constitution» itself is treated in the formal and material values. The dialectic relation between the Constitution and constitutional reform is considered.

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Наталія АГАФОНОВА (2016). Конституція як об'єкт реформування / The Constitution as the Object of Reforming. Університетські наукові записки, 15(3), 351-366. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-424525