The article presents the role matches played in thehistory of transformations of the nineteenth century(the era of steam, railway and telegraph) asa result of the ‘economic bomb’ (E. Hobsbawm)which blew up traditional so...
In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
The aim of this article is to scrutinise the problem of alienation and dislocation in the context of homeliness and norm in the United States after World War II in Patricia Highsmith’s (1921-1955) Strangers on a Train a...
Ewa Rosińska (2015). Kontrola nad doborem, selekcją i wykorzystywaniem gier przez dzieci i młodzież. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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The article presents the role matches played in thehistory of transformations of the nineteenth century(the era of steam, railway and telegraph) asa result of the ‘economic bomb’ (E. Hobsbawm)which blew up traditional so...
Moda czy nostalgia? O tym, jak PRL funkcjonuje w wyobraźni społecznej współczesnych Polaków
“It ghosts”: Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore
In Specters of Marx, Derrida argues that all writing is ghost-driven, for “everyone reads, acts, writes with his or her ghosts.” Modernist poetry can be described as particularly “spectral”, as it often locates itself on...
Alienation and Dislocation versus Homeliness and Norm in Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train and The Talented Mr Ripley
The aim of this article is to scrutinise the problem of alienation and dislocation in the context of homeliness and norm in the United States after World War II in Patricia Highsmith’s (1921-1955) Strangers on a Train a...
Kwestia (nie)smaku. Foie gras – kontrowersyjny delikates i równie kontrowersyjne metody walki z jego producentami