After the independence had been regained Polish
phonographic industry dealt with huge problems
caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be
recreated from scratch since the way it was organized
during annexation was no longe...
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
EP ID EP80340
Views 42
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How To Cite
Ewa Rosińska (2015). Kontrola nad doborem, selekcją i wykorzystywaniem gier przez dzieci i młodzież. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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After the independence had been regained Polish phonographic industry dealt with huge problems caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be recreated from scratch since the way it was organized during annexation was no longe...
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The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...