Криміналістична характеристика особи злочинця та злочинних груп у сфері банківської діяльності

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 57, Issue 2


Проаналізовано злочинну діяльність посадових осіб банківської сфери. На основі аналізу наукових джерел та слідчої практики надано криміналістичну характеристику особи злочинців, що діють у банківській сфері. Запропоновано визначення та розроблено класифікацію суб’єктів злочинів і злочинних груп у сфері банківської діяльності. Проанализирована преступная деятельность должностных лиц банковской сферы. На основе анализа научных источников и следственной практики предоставлена криминалистическая характеристика личности преступников, действующих в банковской сфере. Предложено определение и разработана классификация субъектов преступлений и преступных групп в сфере банковской деятельности. The criminal activities of officials of the banking sector are analyzed. It is found out that the initiators of preparation to commit and covering up the traces of crimes of economic crimes are mainly officials of the bank. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and investigative practices the author has presented forensic characteristics of criminals operating in the banking sector; the author has also offered definition and has elaborated a classification of the subjects of crimes and criminal groups in this sphere. It is indicated that the subjects of criminal abuse in the banking sector – are the officials, who work at the bank, or are related to this area, i.e. persons, who have sole authorities to control the banking sector (representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine, the audit, etc.). Classification of the perpetrators of the crime in the banking sector and criminal groups is conducted by such parameters as the official position of a person, the direction (department) of his activity, age, motive and direct roles in preparing, committing and covering up traces of criminal activity. It is concluded that the information about the typical features of criminal behavior of the subjects must be taken into account before, during and after the commission of the crime. This allows the investigator or operative officer to reveal persons prone to delinquent behavior, significantly narrow down the range of suspects in the commission of the crime, find out the purpose and motive of the crime, make leads and plan tactical operations, and after the suspected person becomes aware – determine in his relation the line of conduct while investigative actions.

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Korniienko


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How To Cite

V. V. Korniienko (2015). Криміналістична характеристика особи злочинця та злочинних груп у сфері банківської діяльності. Право і безпека, 57(2), 98-102. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-270811