Królewskie grobowce Hasmoneuszy w Modin. Wzorce grecko-rzymskie a sztuka żydowska w okresie drugiej świątyni

Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue


The tombs in Modin, described in 1 Maccabees (13:27-29), written towards the end of the 2nd cent. B.C.E., exemplify Hasmonean dynastic rule in Judaea in the following century. The role of the monument was to underline and manifest the importance of the Hasmonean dynasty in ancient time in Judaea. Moreover, the Hasmonean royal tombs in Modin attest to the participation of Jews in Hellenistic culture, the synonym of culture par excellence in that time. The architectural structure of the Hasmonean tombs crowned with pyramids is not unique in the Hellenistic perspective. For example, monuments topped with pyramids have been discovered throughout the Levant. Among the Jerusalem counterparts of the Hasmonean tombs the so-called Tomb of Absalom, the Tomb of Zechariah or the so-called Tombs of the Kings are particularly important. These architectural modules were distinctive for Judaism until the destruction of the Second Temple. Flavius Josephus, a 1st century Jewish historian, in his descriptions of the Hasmonean royal tombs gives us the picture of Jewish society of the late Second Temple Judaea, who are fundamentally antagonistic towards images. However, the Hasmonean royal tombs in Modin reflect the visual vocabulary of their time which contains popular elements and symbols of power in the Greco-Roman context. The writings of Joshua Ben Sirah and Flavius Josephus, epigraphic and archaeological evidence suggests that Jews fully participated in the Greco-Roman culture of their general environment.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Maciudzińska-Kamczycka


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Magdalena Maciudzińska-Kamczycka (2012). Królewskie grobowce Hasmoneuszy w Modin. Wzorce grecko-rzymskie a sztuka żydowska w okresie drugiej świątyni. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 6(), 209-230.