Kryzys rosyjski i kierunki wyjścia w świetle prac Instytutu EurAzES
Journal Title: Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 45
Works of analysts centered in the EurAzES Institute (EI), among them the dissertation by Vladimir Tamak on modernization of the Russian Federation (2012) and the anonymous “Global Project Russia” (2011), prove the vitality of the Eurasian idea in the RF (Russian Federation) and its political potential. Tamak’s reformatory postulates, as well as, in a lesser degree, the ones of other scholars and activists from the circle of EI, are integrated with the negative opinion on political and social reality in the RF after 1993. The analysis of causes and prospective results of the crisis is directed by the thesis about the Russian and global oligarchic involvement. EI’s neo-Eurasian reformatory projects, promoted as innovative, and the only ones among other modernizing programs announced in the recent years, constitute a compilation of selected elements of classical Eurasianism (i.a. idiocracy, organic democracy, anti-Occidentalism, Orthodox traditionalism), a contemporary version of Eurasianism elaborated by L. Gumilov (i.a. relative autarchy), and neo-Eurasianism by A. Dugin (i.a. vision of the future of the RF as Eurasia’s heartland; non-European model of development of Eurasian industry).
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Massaka
Henry Kissinger, Porządek światowy, Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2016, pp. 400
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