Ks. Radosław Kimsza Od obrazu do podobieństwa. Tomasza kard. Špidlika (1919–2010) teologia duchowości Białystok 2013, ss. 298
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Kiciński
Księgi w kurii diecezjalnej w aspekcie kanonicznym
Maintenance and storage of books in the bishop's curia constitute an important part of church administration. This article addresses the canonical aspect of such books.First, the provisions of the Code on the need to mai...
Rola i znaczenie osób niepełnosprawnych we współczesnej rodzinie
The family is the oldest and common natural institution and the community of mankind. The unquestionable role of the family stems from the continuous impact on the human being from an early age. It is the family that off...
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