Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue
The present submission consists of three main parts. The first part is a number of objective information about the life and work of Professor Father Andrzej Zuberbier, who is presented as a professor enjoying the status of a European theologian. The article presents some facts from his personal life, the subsequent stages of his education and upbringing, and his didactic and educational work at the Kielce Semina¬ry and in the Catolic Diocese of Kielce. This is followed by the presentation of his work at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw and contacts with universities in Europe, as well as his participation in various groups related to the activities of the Polish Episcopal Conference. This part also presents the five sections of Professor Zuberbier’s scientific work in the field of dogmatic theology. The second part of the submission is to show Father Zuberbier as a professor at the Kielce Seminary - a highly competent and demanding one, at the same time very kind to his students - highlighting his particular insight into the issues of the Revelation, the reality of the Church and the commitment of the laity therein, as well as the problem of the Church’s unity and its relationship to the modern world and other religions, especially Judaism, in his lectures. The third and final part of this submission consists of the memories of people who encountered Professor Father Zuberbier, who became their role model and a guide in their lives.
Authors and Affiliations
Władysław Sowa
The term postmodernity cited in the title of the article, here relates to the contem¬porary currents of thought characterized by a certain ambiguity, as their assessment may sometimes be positive and sometimes negative,...
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Przeżywanie rzeczywistości cierpienia przez bł. Bernardynę Marię Jabłońską
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Historia i Kompetencje Penitencjarii Apostolskiej
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SPOJRZENIE NA MINIONE PÓŁ WIEKU CHRYSTOLOGII WSPÓŁCZESNEJ. Recenzja książki: Bernard Sesboüé, Les «trente glorieuses» delà christologie (1968-2000), Editions Lessius 2012 Bruxelles, ss. 478.
Recenzja książki: Bernard Sesboüé, Les «trente glorieuses» de la christologie (1968-2000), Editions Lessius 2012 Bruxelles, ss. 478