Kult Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego jako pomoc w realizacji powszechnego powołania do świętości

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2016, Vol 30, Issue 1


Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the essential ways leading to the sanctification of the human being, which constitutes the main goal of man’s vocation. This cult helps to fulfil the human heart’s need and exhibit a new sense of one’s journey. The cultivation of this worship results in an invigoration in the individual of Christ’s inner feelings as well as an immersion in the mystery of His love. This leads to an ever deeper and transforming unity of the human being with God, which is the goal of one’s life and vocation. An authentic love towards God, which stems from a properly developing cult of the Divine Heart, is the source and at the same time the outcome of a personal union with God. With time, this union takes the shape of expiatory love, which propels the human towards dedication, selfless sacrifice and ministry. In order for the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to evolve to its fullness, it requires the development of one’s spiritual life, which leads to the experience of God’s love and sanctity. Devoted prayer, allowing the human to persist in selfless love, opens him into God’s presence and His love. Only from a prayer that guides towards contemplation valuable actions can stem, as the soul of contemplation and action is the selfless love itself.

Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Poleszak


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Leszek Poleszak (2016). Kult Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego jako pomoc w realizacji powszechnego powołania do świętości. Sympozjum, 30(1), 83-92. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-181216