The amended Act of 20 March 2009 on mass events security and the executive legislation very clearly specified those responsible for security at such events, pointing in particular to the organizers and the council of th...
The study paper deals with actual problem of biological hazard elimination in setting
of Fire rescue brigade Žilina on Slovakia. The first part describes basic disinfection
procedures for intervention in the contaminated...
As a result of the growing pace of life and developing civilization in which important factors are the crisis of values, the
misunderstood idea of freedom and the willingness to achieve success quickly (by taking a short...
The creation of an open society and a living environment which is accessible and of use to all is the main task at present to improve the life of all citizens. Juvenile crime is a serious societal problem, which is takin...
RM/RA CRAMM is a comprehensive risk assessment methodology for crisis management,
which consists of identifying, analysing and assessing risks. Quantitative outputs
serve as a basis for identifying risk management priori...
Mass events security – theory and practice
The amended Act of 20 March 2009 on mass events security and the executive legislation very clearly specified those responsible for security at such events, pointing in particular to the organizers and the council of th...
Swine Fever Epicentre Elimination
The study paper deals with actual problem of biological hazard elimination in setting of Fire rescue brigade Žilina on Slovakia. The first part describes basic disinfection procedures for intervention in the contaminated...
Safety culture in sporting activity
As a result of the growing pace of life and developing civilization in which important factors are the crisis of values, the misunderstood idea of freedom and the willingness to achieve success quickly (by taking a short...
Juvenile Crime in the Masovian Police District: A Threat to Public Security. A Research Analysis
The creation of an open society and a living environment which is accessible and of use to all is the main task at present to improve the life of all citizens. Juvenile crime is a serious societal problem, which is takin...
RM /RA CRAMM – Quantitative Risk Assessment Method for Prevention of Criminality
RM/RA CRAMM is a comprehensive risk assessment methodology for crisis management, which consists of identifying, analysing and assessing risks. Quantitative outputs serve as a basis for identifying risk management priori...