Kwestia państwowości białoruskiego w myśli emigracyjnej po zakończeniu II wojny światowej
Journal Title: Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue
In the circles of Belarusian emigrants in Germany in the second half of 1940s were formed two political groups aspiring to become the political representation in the West. The first one was related with the Council of the Belarusian Democratic Republic (BRL), reactivated in 1947 and headed by Mikola Abramchyk. Those emigrants who didn’t share their ideas with the President Abramchyk gathered around the The Belarusian Central Rada (BRC), headed by Radoslav Ostrovsky. These two political groups had their own followers and enjoyed their confidence. Despite the differences as to how to justify their power or establish the borders of the reborn state, both political representations of Belarusian emigration were expressing their enthusiasm for the restitution of the independent Belarusian state as the Belarusian People’s Republic. There was consensus on denying the Soviet Belarus as a form of Belarusian statehood.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Hardzijenka
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Spis treści / Table of Contents
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Autobiografie pisarzy rosyjskich, „Studia Rossica” t. XXI, red. naukowa Alicja Wołodźko-Butkiewicz, Ludmiła Łucewicz, Warszawa 2012