Lajkó – witamy w domu! Omówienie wystawy „Breuer – ujra itthorn” w Muzeum Sztuki Stosowanej w Budapeszcie (Magyar Iparművészeti Múzeum), 8 XII 2016 ‒ 3 IX 2017
Journal Title: Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego - Year 2017, Vol 46, Issue 4
AGATA WOJCIK (Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Cracow) / Welcome home, Lajkó! Review of the exhibition “Breuer – at Home Again”, the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest (2016. December 8 – 2017. September 3) In 2016, the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest, thanks to the financial support of the National Bank of Hungary, has expanded its collection with an extraordinary exhibit. It was a table with a granite top designed by a Hungarian-born designer and architect associated with the Bauhaus – Marcel Breuer. The piece of furniture was created in his design office in New York. The curators of the exhibition not only presented this acquisition to the audience, but also showed Breuer’s connections with Hungarian designers with whom he cooperated closely and whose work was significantly influenced by him. The exhibition also presented a fragment of the history of Hungarian design of the interwar period
Rubensowa siła transformacji. Recenzja katalogu wystawy: Rubens. Kraft der Verwandlung / Rubens. The Power of Transformation, Hrsg./ed. Gerlinde Gruber, Sabine Haag, Stefan Weppelmann, Jochen Sander, Hirmer Verlag, München 2017, ss. 336
Rubens. The Power of Transformation. Review of the book: Rubens. Kraft der Verwandlung / Rubens. The Power of Transformation, Hrsg./ed.Gerlinde Gruber, Sabine Haag, Stefan Weppelmann, Jochen Sander, Hirmer Verlag. Münche...
An attribution for two late Gothic central-European panels, in English public collections, depicting episodes from the life of St. Barbara
MAGDALENA LANUSZKA (International Cultural Centre in Cracow) / An attribution for two late Gothic central-European panels, in English public collections, depicting episodes from the life of St. Barbara The article is a r...
Stacja benzynowa jako miejsce antropologiczne
ANNA CWYNAR (University of Wroclaw) Gas station as an anthropological place The point of departure for the article is Marc Augé’s classification of service stations as typical examples of “non-places” – undifferentiate...
Mazury – wędrówka szlakiem dziedzictwa kulturowego pierwszego protestanckiego państwa w Europie. XIV Polsko-Niemieckie Seminarium Wrocław–Halle-Siegen, Mikołajki, 5–10 VI 2017
Aleksandra Matczynska (University of Wrocław) Masuria - a journey through the trail of the culture heritage of the first protestant country in Europe. 14th Polish-German Seminar Wrocław-Halle-Siegen, Mikołajki, 5–10 VI 2...
Aliento. Tradycja i współczesność w instalacji Oscara Muñoza (Kolumbia)
Aliento. Tradition and modernity in the installation of Oscar Muñoz Like many contemporary artists, Oscar Muñoz invokes the issues of memory and evanescence. This article analyses his work entitled Aliento (Breath) from...