Lamotrigine-induced drug reaction – case report
Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1
Aim. The objective is to analyze the lamotrigine-induced drug reaction, which, according to the Regi-SCAR-Group Diagnosis Score for DRESS can be classified as possible DRESS syndrome (drug hypersensitivity syndrome consisting of drug rash, eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), complicated by rarely described in literature severe pharyngitis. Method. The analysis of the clinical case and medical documentation. Results. Patient aged 52, diagnosed with type I bipolar disorder, has been treated with valproic acid and/or lithium for 4 years. Three weeks after the beginning of lamotrigine therapy, he developed an erythematous maculopapular rash with fever, hypereosinophilia, leucopenia, lymphopenia with atypical lymphocytes, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Conclusions. Severe stomatitis and pharyngitis are rarely reported symptoms of the lamotrigine-induced drug reaction. No predictive factors for serious adverse drug reactions have yet been identified. Therefore, an individual risk-benefit assessment should be performed carefully before introducing the new medication into the patient’s therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Studenna, Marcin Olajossy, Maryla Kuczyńska
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