Laparoscopic nephrectomy - technique and intraoperative kidney localization
Journal Title: Wideochirurgia i Inne Techniki Małoinwazyjne - Year 2006, Vol 1, Issue 2
Aim: To present technical aspects of laparoscopic nephrectomy and the possibility of confirmation of kidney location by creating pneumoperitoneum using CO2. Materials and methods: The indication for laparoscopic nephrectomy was arterial hypertension difficult to control by conservative therapy. The operation was made via the lateral transperitoneal approach using 4 trocars. Results: There were no complications during the perioperative period. The time of postoperative hospitalization was 4 days. Taking plain film after creating CO2 pneumperitonem allowed the cirrhotic kidney to be locate . Conclusions: 1. Laparoscopic nephrectomy is an attractive and accepted method of treating renal pathology. 2. Taking plain film after positioning the patient and creating CO2 pneumoperitoneum is a good method of kidney localization.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Otto, Jacek Dzwonkowski, Tomasz Grzela, Mariola Pęczkowska, Andrzej Januszewicz
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