Laryngeal cancer – epidemiology and etiology
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 4
Cancer of the larynx is, after lung cancer, the second mos t common maligna nt tumor of the respiratory tract. In Poland it is in the ninth place on the list of the most common cancers occurring among men. Accordi ng to the Na tional Cancer Registry in Poland, in 2011, there were 2197 new cases of cancer of the larynx recorded, includ ing 1925 men and about 272 wom en. Smoki ng and drinking hard alcohol are major risk factors for this cancer. Poland is a country w ith a very high number of new cases per year. The risk of cancer increases in direct proportion to the size of the exposure and its duration.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Majszyk, Antoni Bruzgielewicz, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz
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